Below we present a dictionary of martial arts useful in Katori but not only. Here you will find the basic concepts used in the Dojo - numbers, people, body parts, directions, stances, attacks, names of sword parts, commands and body parts. We invite you to read. Kamae 【構え】-
Kamae 【構え】- Positions
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
seigan no kamae | 【正眼の構え】 | basic position with the sword directed at the partner's throat |
gedan no kamae | 【下段の構え】 | lower sword position |
– migi gedan no kamae | 【右下段の構え】 | position with right leg in front |
– hidari gedan no kamae | 【左下段の構え】 | position with left leg in front |
– suwari gedan no kamae | 【座り下段の構え】 | lower kneeling sword position |
jōdan no kamae | 【上段の構え】 | upper position with the sword raised above the head |
– migi jōdan no kamae | 【右上段の構え】 | position with right leg in front |
– hidari jōdan no kamae | 【左上段の構え】 | position with left leg in front |
kanmuri irimi | 【冠入り身】 | all positions in which the weapon is placed on the forehead |
in no kamae | 【陰の構え】 | literally, shadow position |
sha no kamae | 【捨の構え】 | literally: throwing position (sword) |
shin no kamae | 【心の構え】 | literally heart position |
hikiage | 【引き上げ】 | withdrawing the stick upwards (bōjutsu) |
taisabaki | 【体捌き】 | moving the body away from the opponent's attack line |
Reishiki 【礼式】- Etiquette and collection
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
Seiretsu! | 【整列】 | assembly command |
Seiza! | 【正座】 | sit! |
Rei! | 【礼】 | nod! |
Shomen ni rei! | 【正面に礼】 | nod towards kamizaThe main, honorary place in the dōjō, next to which there is: a teacher, a sign with the name of the school and - in some dōjō - a small altar. More |
Sensei ni rei! | 【先生に礼】 | a bow towards the presenter |
Otagai ni rei! | 【お互いに礼】 | bow to each other |
Kiritsu! | 【起立】 | get up! |
Dōzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu | 【どうぞ宜しく お願いします】 | a request for good, joint training |
Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu | 【どうも有難う 御座います】 | thanks for training together |
Katagata 【方々】 - People
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
Iizasa Chōisai Ienao | 【飯篠長威斉家直】 | founder of the Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū school |
sensei | 【先生】 | teacher |
senpai | 【先輩】 | a person older by rank or experience |
mudansha | 【無段者】 | people without a dan degree |
yūdansha | 【有段者】 | a person with the rank of dan |
kōdansha | 【高段者】 | a person with a third or higher dan degree |
Sūji【数字】- Numerals
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
ichi | 【一】 | one |
ni | 【二】 | two |
san | 【三】 | Three |
shi | 【四】 | four |
him | 【五】 | five |
year | 【六】 | six |
shichi | 【七】 | seven |
hachi | 【八】 | eight |
kyu | 【九】 | nine |
jū | 【十】 | ten |
Hōkō 【方向】- Directions
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
signs | 【右】 | (right |
hidari | 【左】 | (left |
yoko | 【横】 | (on/in) side |
soto | 【外】 | outside |
Uchi | 【内】 | inwards |
mae | 【前】 | forward |
ushiro | 【後ろ】 | Backwards |
age | 【上げ】 | up / raise / lift up |
irimi | 【入り身】 | body entry |
Kōgeki 【攻撃】- Attacks
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
makiuchimen | 【巻討面】 | head cut |
~uchi | 【~討ち】 | cut to ~ |
- shōmenuchi | 【正面討ち】 | head cut |
- yokomenuchi | 【横面討ち】 | side cut to the head |
- dōuchi | 【胴討ち】 | hip cut |
- suneuchi | 【脛討ち】 | cut to the knee |
tsuki | 【突き】 | push |
- aitsuki | 【合突き】 | simultaneously performing a push with a partner |
~uke | 【~受け】 | party for ~ |
oogasumi | 【合霞】 | attack from below diagonally |
- aigasumi | 【大霞】 | simultaneous performance with a partner oogasumi |
kesagiri | 【袈裟斬り】 | oblique attack through the torso (from above) |
gyakukesagiri | 【逆袈裟斬り】 | oblique attack through the torso (from below) |
ookachidachi | 【大勝太刀】 | literally: great victory of the sword |
in no maruage | 【】 | a blow from below with a bō stick |
kiriage | 【斬り上げ】 | vertical slash from below (naginatajutsu) |
kusanagi | 【草薙】 | horizontal cut to the shin (naginatajutsu) |
karasu tobi | 【烏飛び】 | literally: crow's jump (naginatajutsu) |
hicho | 【飛鳥】 | attack performed with a dynamic jump |
Meirei 【命令】- Commands
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
batto | 【抜刀】 | assume the position |
well then | 【納刀】 | "hide" the sword |
hajime | 【始め】 | begin |
yame | 【止め】 | stop/finish the exercise |
mō ikkai | 【もう一回】 | once again |
Karada no bubun【体の部分】- Body parts
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
jodan | 【上段】 | upper body zone |
chūdan | 【中段】 | middle body zone |
gedan | 【下段】 | lower body zone |
hanmi | 【半身】 | side body position (e.g. in sha no kamae) |
hanhanmi | 【半々身】 | body position (e.g. in seigan no kamae) |
men | 【面】 | face |
- me | 【目】 | eye |
Kubi | 【首】 | neck |
executioner | 【肩】 | shoulder |
abara | 【肋】 | ribs |
cat | 【小手】 | wrist |
down | 【胴】 | hip |
momo | 【腿】 | thigh |
sunny | 【脛】 | knee |
Katana no kakubu meishō【刀の各部名称】 - Parts of the Japanese katana sword
Name | Writing in Japanese | Polish translation |
saya | 【鞘】 | vagina |
- koiguchi | 【下緒】 | vaginal opening |
- kojiri | 【子尻】 | the tip of the vagina |
- sageo | 【下緒】 | sageo string |
tsuka | 【柄】 | handle |
- kashira | 【頭】 | metal handle tip |
- same hada | 【鮫肌】 | stingray skin |
- tsuba | 【鍔】 | guard |
- tsukamaki | 【柄巻】 | handle braid |
ha | 【】 | the sharp part of the blade |
- hamon | 【】 | pattern on the sword |
- mune | 【】 | unsharp part of the blade |
- kisaki | 【】 | rounded tip of the blade |